Hello Entrepreneurs,
we already have October and the year is closing soon.
Welcome to another brief letter to my team.
The system has been improved – you have so much more chances to run the business perfectly.
This business has no talents – it is for everyone who wants a better living. Retired people do have not much left for financing their normal life. Energy costs are high and will increase more in the future.
It is easy to sit on the sofa at home and watch TV. See the stories of others: dramatic stories, adventures, old Wild-Western stories. You sit comfortably with some snacks and drinks.
You can change that: play your own story – live your life with active motivation.
The lack of motivation is not our fault, not yours, dear ~FIRSTNAME~: it is the result of the programming of our subconscious mind to conserve energy. In our minds, there is an automatic ‚quitting program. We quit diets, quit jobs, quit eating, and we are quick quitters.
But do not worry. I am your sponsor and I show you the way to better motivation – even when things are tough.
For instance: if you think to yourself: ‚I can’t get started’ – I would say to you: ‚Suck it up. Just go for it.’
‚No energy and no motivation.’ – The answer would be: ‚You’ve got to get motivated! Eye of the Tiger! Just do it!’
I wish you a very successful week. You can play games, such as Poker.
Friedrich Fritz