
Ready for some Brain rules?

Hello Entrepreneurs,
we have summertime as we have turned back the clock for one hour. Springtime is here – but we still have to deal with the Covid-Pandemic.
Network Marketing is the best you can do under these circumstances. You work from home with your computer and a good broadband connection.

If someone had shared these absurd brain rules with me 50 years ago, I would have told them, “You are crazy!“

But brain science can turn ordinary, ineffective network marketers like me into productive sponsors and team-builders.
All we have to do is learn from these smart brain researchers, and getting “yes” decisions becomes easy.

It is what we don’t know that holds us back.

Ready for a few brain rules?

  1. All decisions are made in the subconscious mind.
  2. Decisions happen immediately.
  3. Decisions happen before the information.
  4. Our closing can be in the icebreaker.
  5. Prospects don’t want to hear information unless they have already made a decision.
  6. Limit decision choices to just two.

The list can go on and on. It takes time to learn what we don’t know, but the good news is that we can learn.

We work in the Network Marketing sector. All we have to do is work from home.

Rule 1: find 5 people
Rule 2: become EA now
Rule 3: teach your 5 people to do the same.

Have a good time, as always. I invite you to play Grand Master Poker for free.

Best regards
Friedrich Fritz
I am a proud member of the SFI Marketing group

Brain tricks

Hello Entrepreneurs,

Welcome to my newsletter. I hope you are healthy and you love work from home. It is very safe and can produce profits.
Profits that help you to improve your life and the lives of others.

Human brains haven’t changed since Neanderthal times. We were bad at math then, and we still are bad at math.

The brain is a survival organ and has more important things to do. We don’t inherit math. It is a learned skill. It is something extra.
Most people ignore the ‘extra’ and get on with their lives, without calculation and using math’ formulas.

Our brain counts …1…2.. and then it starts getting fuzzy. We start to think, ‘Okay, More-‘

Should we as Network Marketing masters ignore our math facts?
Yes! Math is too hard for most humans to process. Wasted effort.

Okay. More – there are wonderful math concepts out there.

Some examples?

Before: ‘ You need $1000,00 in volume to qualify’
After: ‘You need 5 people to become Executive Affiliate’

Before: ‘He is a six-figure earner, and has only worked this business
part-time for 13 months.’
After: ‘Does he look special or overly talented? No. In one year, his
checks are now $2,000.00 every week’

Teach your affiliates to do the same as you do. They will teach their affiliates to do the same
and so far and so on. This way you build your TEAMS and when they buy regularly everyone earns.
Duplication is important.

Choose our future

We have two choices. Choice #1: I know Brain Tricks and will make them work for me
Choice #2: I don’t know Brain Tricks.

If now is our time to build our business, the choice is easy. If we are a ‘Choice #1’
network marketer, enroll now in building teams

Have a good time, as always.

Best regards
Friedrich Fritz
I am a proud member of the SFI Marketing group

Fixing problems

Hello Entrepreneurs,

great days ahead. Welcome to another newsletter.

I hope you are healthy and you love work from home.

People have problems – therefore they are looking at us

People want a change in their lives. Therefore they are searching the internet for one who is capturing this and who can fix their problem.

Ask your prospects the following:

1. Ask them if they want to fix their problem
2. Ask when they want to fix their problem

The solution is: most people want to fix their problem now.

Network Marketing has the power to fix most of their problems, not now in total but in parts. When we grow a larger group those parts become greater and our freedom becomes greater, too.

Playing games won’t earn you a commission

We love playing games and then we spent too much time. It would be better to promote the games from Zing online and invite other people to play. We should care about our budgets of time and funds. Always use your personalized gateway.

Look out for customers

Without customers, you cannot survive in this business. Promote more and use our various marketing aids and within TripleClicks you can develop a banner with some good selling stuff and then promote the HTML-code.

Let us make the world a better place. Work hard every day. It is social biz because we are socially connected. Try out Mighty101 for any cleaning issues.

Have a good time, as always.

Best regards
Friedrich Fritz
I am a proud member of the SFI Marketing group

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