
The brand new chapter is exciting

Dear Entrepreneurs,

we are already in late January. The new year has taken up speed. Are you feeling satisfied with what you have reached so far?

If your answer is maybe, you feel that there should be considered some improvements.
Give yourself a kick that puts you to the top.

With practical and strategic moves you will move further. Never stop. SFI is grounding you to deliver long term success. Yes, we work here for our 2nd income, it is sustainable.

You can do it!

You have questions and you are curious, who will help you to come out of that misery of doubts and dramas. We have the Forum, your Upline and our Support Team. Try everything out, before you decide to stop. The answers you seek on where you want to go from here are right in front of you. Just bend your mind a bit on this one.

You are a decision-maker

It is a business and you are the only one who makes decisions. You decide which promotion you create and which people you want to invite. Recommend this business now!

Invite folks to Astro Auctions

Astro Auctions are reinvented since January 2020 and you can use the Gateway
Use Google to search for manual traffic exchanges, free traffic exchange sites.

Why are Astro Auctions so cool?  There are 9 reasons:

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8th Ships free

9th mobile-friendly

Also, Viral Mailers and Safelists would help. Place the Gateway and promote it 24 hours per day, watch the results with our special Hit Tracking application.

All to your success

Best wishes
Friedrich Fritz


Hello, Entrepreneurs,

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It is highly recommended that you try out this new and re-invented opportunity.

Best regards

Friedrich Fritz

Motivation first, inspiration second

Dear valued readers,

Welcome to the new round. Be inspired and be invited. It is every day the same. I will tell you a story. It is said, that we should make our goals by January 1st each new year. This is was my mother has taught me. Goals could be: giving up smoking, save more money than spending money, have more time for the needful things. Socializing with people. That would mean: stand up from the Computer-chair and go out.

The beginning of a New Year is a big mark, like an exclamation mark in a sentence. Life begins anew! A brand new circle and we have to accept that and we have our dreams. Also, we have our living energy, that is coming from the inside of our body and our soul. The Chinese have that Yin and Yang theory, that means to bring everything into harmony.

There should be a balance in life. That means, always walking, running and spinning and always sleeping when the sun goes down. First, we have our self-motivation – inspiration comes second. It is a good way, to come over and live alive, that makes us take on the world. Pieces of information are coming in and they will help us to close a chapter every day, every week, every month, every year. Sometimes there will be changes, but we can welcome changes and we need not be fearful. Always have joy.

2020 is the Year of The Leader

Will 2020 be the year we add leaders to our goup...instead of just distributors? Leaders are everything. We measure our success in network marketing by the number of leaders on our team.

How do we get these leaders?

Our business can be a part-time hobby, a gaming platform or it can be more. It is a business for life, we are creating a 2nd income. Not everyone wants to be a leader.

Use this three-step leadership creation formula:
1st Ask, 'Do you want to be a leader?'
2nd Give them the preliminary leadership test.
3rd If they pass, we will show them step-by-step exactly how

Are you ready to become a good leader in 2020?

If there's anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask.

All to your success

Best wishes
Friedrich Fritz

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