
Reach out your hands to the people

Hello, dear Reader!

We are all individuals from different countries. We have our different education and we have different methods to learn something. But we are not alone. The person next to you is your downline and upline.

The upline can help you and you want to help your downline, just by offering your helping hands. Counseling your upline may also be a good way to start a deep discussion with your concerns and your opinion. Ask your upline for help and for Reassignments.

Then give your downline tips for reaching special levels, such become EA, Team Leader or gaining their first 1000 VP for the current month.

Your perspective is both balanced and logical – put this habits into action – you are able to dream up creative, to your fullest favor. You will always find clever solutions to long-standing problems.

There is a big side benefit here, too: if you offer assistance to others you will feel much better about your own business and personal skills. Please feel write to write comments.

Build your TEAM – promote business. Now, you are invited to try Astro Auctions.
Just follow the link. Disclaimer: I will earn some small commission in case
you make a purchase – there is no obligation to buy anything. It is your free
decision and responsibility.

Have a nice week.
best regards
Friedrich Fritz

The next week – a new project


we are living in a totally different world than former generations did.
Welcome to our new Affiliates (both CSAs and PSAs.) – have you already
completed your profile? If not, please make sure you do this as soon as possible.

Then push the boundaries in almost any area of your life or redefine them altogether.
Start your project – make a plan and have goals.

Work on your goals until you reach them. Please, be sure: nobody can hold you back – even if others try it.

Find an easy way to start your business now and push forward. The following information may be very helpful: www.sfimg.com/path

For further assistance – please get in contact with me and I will help you.

Build your TEAM – promote business.

Have a nice week.

best regards
Friedrich Fritz

The big picture

Dear Entrepreneurs,

as a goals setter, you know that some details are extra important while others may bog you down.

It’s good to tie up any loose ends, especially if you’re in the final stages of a project. But do try to remember the phrase ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff.’ If some point isn’t working, set it aside. Move on to larger issues. The big picture is important, too.

What happens if it all goes wrong?

The fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain. This is doubly true for skeptical prospects.

What is more important to them is to make sure they don’t lose money, get embarrassed, ruin their reputation with their friends, etc.

Of course, we talk about the wonderful benefits of our SFI program. But, it is more important to some prospects to minimize their risk. By adding a simple sentence or two into our presentation, we can relieve this fear. Now it is easier for these prospects to make a decision to join.

For example, we could say, “The worst that could possibly happen is that you get a bit prosperous from using our tools, while you are growing your group and promoting business every day – 24 hours per day – 7 days a week and 365 days a year“.

Once we remove this fear from our prospects’ minds, their stress goes away.

Train your brain – every day and remember a half-empty glass is always a half full glass. Below is an invitation link to Astro Auction. If you click and join I receive a little commission. There is no obligation.

Build your TEAM – promote business.

Have a nice week.
best regards
Friedrich Fritz

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