
Apply an initiative


some people talking a lot – they say outrageous stuff and maybe getting on people’s nerves. I hope you are not the one – you are a serious entrepreneur and a goal setter.

Well – it is definitely within your power to make life and your business run smoothly. You always have more than one option and a problem would never take care of itself. Apply only one little personal initiative and you will see that it is addictive.

Getting involved in business matters is a good thing when you do it with an eye toward getting things done. Listen to the people and then you will learn from them and you will have the solution.

If you don’t like your current results, you can improve what you are currently doing.

Try to use the following question when you talk with prospects:

“How would you want to FEEL one year from now when you have an extra $500 check every month?”

Use this question early in the conversation. Once your prospects have this feeling, they will want your opportunity more. Now they are excited about our presentation.

Open your Notebook and guide your prospects through SFI homepage, TripleClicks, etc.

Build your TEAM – promote business.

Have a nice week.

best regards

Friedrich Fritz

Creative in Business

Hello Entrepreneurs,

I hope you are getting well and I know that you are thinking about this business.
Sometimes you have no ideas at all but on some lucky days you’ve got more
ideas than you can possibly manifest.

Therefore it is good to keep a special folder on your desk or your computer to keep
track of your creative brainwaves. Don’t just jot your ideas down but draw them up.

Maybe you are an artist or not. All that’s important is that the drawing at least
loosely represents your concept.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and maybe far more than that.

Information is just…information. We were advised to read all the information and apply them. But I agree with you that we got overwhelmed with all that. It is too much.

Prospects (PSAs, CSAs, PRMs) want a connection wiht us. They want us to engage in
an emotional conversation that prompts to take action.

Use this question in conversation

“So how do you know when you have found the business that you want to build?”
Say this question early in the conversation. Prospects will tell us their criteria for selecting a

Then, focus on those criteria points when explaining our opportunity.

Build your TEAM – promote business. Success is voluntary.

Have a nice week.
Best regards
Friedrich Fritz

Build your 2nd income


if you watch the economy, you will experience a massive decline in what is left
over for the individual. Taxes and prices for food, car, rent, real estate are rising and
You will not receive any interest from your bank on savings accounts.

Salaries and hourly wages are declining – you have to do more than one job to get enough means for those extras. If you and your employer pays partly into a pension fund, you can not be sure that your payout as a retiree would be satisfactory.

Poverty in old age does not want to be inevitable only in Europe, but in all the industrialized countries of the world.

It is, therefore, necessary to set the course in good time. This is easy with self-employment, for example in network marketing. SFI is the partner who wants to give you a much better life.

So start now – if you wait any longer, then the train is already gone. You do not want that, right?

Have a nice week.

best regards
Friedrich Fritz

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