
Communication is the key


please be active every day. This is very important in Network Marketing.
You can communicate with your downline and with your upline.

Every week send your Newsletter to your group – this is what I am doing here.

You can also use E-Cards and sent them to your Affiliates for different categories.

This can be done quickly from any Affiliate Snapshot and from your Genealogy.

Please read the details here: https://news.sfimg.com/2017/07/11/34-new-e-cards-debut/

Please read examples for your weekly Newsletter: https://www.sfimg.com/PopUp/sampleMessages

I hope you have a wonderful new week.

Best regards

Friedrich Fritz
Bronze Teamleader
Building something great

Seminar Network Marketing


in ca. 2 Wochen  findet ein sogenannter Action-Day statt.
Es geht dabei um Network Marketing  und die Probleme, die hierbei
entstehen können bzw. wie sie zu vermeiden sind.

Ich bin da mal gespannt – wenn es so weit ist, werde ich darüber
hier berichten.  Bis dahin bitte ich Sie sich über Rewardicals zu informieren.

Diese sind winzig kleine Tokens, die kann man an verschiedenen Stellen und in diversen
Situationen sammeln. Anschließend kann man diese Tokens einlösen und
sich tolle Sachen holen, Spiele spielen, Bitcoins kaufen etc.

Also viel Spaß!

Friedrich Fritz

Borderless is beautiful!

Hello and good morning,

I am back to SFI – because a window opens for a very short time Frame and I had to decide.
It was my poor instinct to agree to this offer.  This is the reason:

SFI is actually working and generating income for people all over the world.

Online business is a MASSIVE opportunity for everyone.

The Zing Network puts you in over 200 countries and gives you instant

access to marketplace of BILLIONS of consumers.

First become Executive Affiliate – for each VersaPoint you accumulate during
the month, you will receive one share of the month’s Executive Pool.

The more VP you score, the more shares you will directly earn from the pool.

Then become a Team Leader. You learn to lead and grow a TEAM of

active SFI affiliates. You’ll switch on one of the most lucrative components of the
Executive Pool section of the SFI compensation plan.

There is no such thing as ‘get rich quick’

Anything worthwile takes sustained effort.

We reap what we sow, but the harvest is never in the same season as the planting! Today you are planting…and will be at least for the next several months. Your harvest will come in time. Be persistent. Be patient. Work the Web using our proven SFI system. Think long term. Take action every day, (no matter how small) to build your business.  And always remember, THE ONLY WAY TO FAIL IS TO QUIT.

Best regards

Friedrich Fritz


Join me, Friedrich Fritz, and I’ll personally help you build a second income with top rated SFI—now in its 20th year! Click here to join my team and get started FREE today!

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