
I wish you all a nice week

What my upline leaders really thought of me?

When I started, I was clueless. But hey, I was motivated.

I started in January 2013.
It was winter, my mum was very sick and close to death. 
I was so clueless. But I was highly motivated.

So, I am sure my upline leaders said this to each other:

“He is 100% untrained, but let’s see how he does? Oooooh, that has got to be painful. Ouch! This is stressful to watch! What a horror film in action!”

The conclusion:
Doing dumb stuff with enthusiasm isn’t the key to success. I proved that to all the observers.


Planning and goals are the easy way to procrastinate. We assign stuff to "future me" so that we can relax now.

They said that I should have goals at first.

Then try to catch these goals. Work hard and do this every day.

It is like an obsession and this is very common.

I have noticed it from others who made a nice bargain before.

 Feel free to become a member of my team.

Published by chilichote

I am Network Marketing Affiliate and I am building something great. I share my ideas with the audience

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