

This either works for you, or it doesn't.

No one gets embarrassed. We feel good. Our prospects feel good. And they can make a choice.

Some examples:

"Taking care of your body either works for you, or it doesn't."

"Using our enhanced mascara instead of false eyelashes either works for you, or it doesn't."

"Using our business for extra income either works for you, or it doesn't."

"Paying less for your utilities either works for you, or it doesn't."

“Having an extra paycheck every month either works for you, or it doesn’t.”

Time freedom prospecting questions

"Do you like free holidays?"

"Would you like more holiday time every year?"

"Does your job interfere with your week also?"

"Would your holiday be more fun if someone else paid for it?"

Listen for their answer, and simply take the volunteers.

Use the trial subscription to know more.


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