Hello, Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000168 EndHTML:0000005416 StartFragment:0000000466 EndFragment:0000005399 welcome to all Movers of my TEAM. Please, make sure, that you communicate with your TEAM as well. You can drive real changes with communication. Take the Ram by the horns – you are in the driver’s seat of all issues in your business (and in your life, too). …
Category archives: Building something great
You are first!
Hello all, Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000168 EndHTML:0000005268 StartFragment:0000000435 EndFragment:0000005251 We work in the area of Network Marketing. This means we build our Network and our Network does the Marketing of our Services, Games, Auctions and many other things, TripleClicks and SFI are offering. Every PSA and every CSA is individually FIRST. You are first and your TEAM …
The Public Image
Dear All, Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000168 EndHTML:0000002947 StartFragment:0000000466 EndFragment:0000002930 As you know a picture tells more than a thousand words. Therefore, let us keep the public image of SFI at a high level. As we run our own business, it is highly important that you have a good photo displayed on your sfi member center. I have …