
The good news in your business

Dear Subscribers,

Welcome to my newsletter. I love writing. This is part of my communication with my group.
Communication is very important. A brand new month starts in a few days. We are ending one circle and starting a new one.


Have confidence and share it

We, who are in this Network Marketing business, need to have confidence in what we do, each day has good news on its agenda. When you log in on your SFI homepage, you always begin with SFI News. Read them and be prepared.

It’s a part of our public image, and we share it with the online crowd when we promote this business.
At the same place, you find the Forum.

Get used to the Forum.

In the Forum, you find discussions on nearly any topic. Get well informed, and you can also leave your comments.

Build your TEAM.

This business is always hard work. But, start the promotion from day one and never give up. Promote business and services from ZING Network. The best and easiest way is to buy one or more shares S-Builder Co-op (https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=38631 ).

This item will pull new PSAs and PRMs automatically into your downline – you sent them a friendly welcome letter. Please, offer them a chat via the Icebreaker tool. Be ready to answer their questions.

Improving life

That is precisely what we do: we are offering one more option to improve the lives of our Affiliates.
Nothing more.

Have a successful start in the next exciting week.

Friedrich Fritz


Turn to new heights

Hello, Subscriber,

Welcome to my Newsletter. I am a TEAM sponsor and if you sign-up I shall be your sponsor, too.


Know your potential in this business. This includes your plans, your goals, your desires.
Your communication with the people combines the sheer power of your words and will bring you closer to the fulfillment of your goals, desires, and plans.

Use creative passion to ignite something big. You read the pieces of information every day in our Forum, in Tips, in STREAM. Use this information for your guidance.

Maximize your efforts, and you will bring it to a new level. Everything can be reached if you are active enough.

Don’t freak out

Some information may confuse you and makes you upset. Just relax, you don’t necessarily need to use the news today, but it could be a higher purpose to connect you deeper with someone from your upline. Just follow your way.

Get your prospect’s attention.

For years, I am reading those words of wisdom from an expert, his name is Tom Schreiter (Big Al).
We never can stop learning and find better knowledge. I recommend Big Al Books. Try out reading the latest book about ‘HOW TO GET YOUR PROSPECT’S ATTENTION AND KEEP IT!
Follow this link https://bigalbooks.com/book/prospects-attention/.
Kindly leave a short two- or three sentence review on Amazon. It would mean a lot to Big Al.

Have a successful start in the next exciting week. I invite you to try out Astro Auctions. Just click on the banner.

Friedrich Fritz

Your efforts are counting

Howdy, Entrepreneurs,

Welcome, everybody.  I hope you have a wonderful time.

Here are some tips for your business.

The global picture

Please, consider that we offer our services globally and our presentation should be practical and attractive. The world is watching us. With our marketing aids, we have everything necessary for just giving our audience a bright and optimistic reason to follow us.

Promote business daily

Feel free to use the marketing aids and personalized gateways and run your ads on free or paid
platforms. It can be on social networks. However, when you advertise on Facebook, Twitter and others, you need to follow the guidelines and rules.

Build your Homepage

The best method to look for customers online is to have your homepage with your unique Domain. According to Wikipedia is a Domain (Internet), a contiguous part of the hierarchical Domain Name System (DNS). It should be the name of your business with business.com, business.org, business.net.. Consider that a domain can cost a yearly fee. Please, calculate it into your business plan.

Find your product and begin selling.

Go to TripleClicks.com and find a product you want to sell.
Then use the product’s provided affiliate link and use the link on social media, your blog or your website. You can also use the product’s banner.

Learn and earn

SFI is providing us with expert knowledge, and therefore we need to learn first before we start.
Start with the Launchpad and apply what you read.

Please, I invite you to join ECommergy.


Best regards

Friedrich Fritz


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