

Regeneration in Network Marketing

To all my Affiliates - especially important insights

The T-Time tool was paused because there was too much abuse. We should focus on business. Resignation doesn’t get us anywhere. Our company thrives on the fact that we are connected in a network. We exchange ideas and thereby enliven our possibilities. Let’s regenerate our abilities and leave behind everything that is counterproductive. Our main tasks are to sell interesting products and services while expanding our network. We offer solutions and we are not solving problems.

Sales&Shares is our plan, now.

Are you ready for this? 

In the beginning, you were happy to join SFI, you had big and noble goals.

Keep working towards these goals and putting in the effort. From nothing, comes nothing.


Share your thoughts in the forum and participate in discussions. Familiarize yourself with online advertising and the use of gateways.

We are one Network – we are the people!


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Friedrich-W. Fritz
Diepental 11
DE-42799 Leichlingen
Kontakt: chilichote@hotmail.com

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Friedrich-W. Fritz
Diepental 11DE-42799 Leichlingen

Contact: chilichote@hotmail.com



How to get decisions fast

The secret is this brain rule.


“Our human brains want fewer choices.” 


Two choices seem enough. Prospects want to save their brain-power for NetFlix or TikTok.


Try getting the final choice down to just two options. 


A good example of two choices?


Choice #1: Keep your life the same.

Choice #2: Take advantage of what I just offered you.

It is true – we have always two choices: do it now or do it never.

Unlock your e-commerce potential – sign up here:

Why do we set goals?

Why do we set goals?


The answer is: How can we have our dream life ... if we don’t know our dreams?


Please don’t wait until December 31 to set our goals with all of the other procrastinators.

Let’s do it now.


But this time, let’s do something different. Let’s make our goals work!


If today is the day to change your life, here is another idea to make that happen.

Stick to our mindset lessons.

Starting with https://www.asbn.com/manage-your-business/leadership/10-tips-for-building-a-winning-business-mindset/

Ten tips for building a winning business mindset

They are fantastic – try it out and make it happen.

Network marketing is recommending and promoting what we like.
We can either get paid for doing this … or for free. Your choice.”

Even if they are bad at math in school, most prospects can figure out what they want to do next.

Your success starts with the purchase of a share of ECommergy.

Could you let me know what you're waiting for?

If you can send an e-mail, you can start an e-business. Discover HUNDREDS of lucrative e-commerce businesses, side hustles, freelance jobs, and more at ECOMMERGY. Grab a FREE trial subscription. No obligation. https://www.ecsub.com/12166105.450/ecsub




This either works for you, or it doesn’t




This either works for you, or it doesn't.

No one gets embarrassed. We feel good. Our prospects feel good. And they can make a choice.

Some examples:

"Taking care of your body either works for you, or it doesn't."

"Using our enhanced mascara instead of false eyelashes either works for you, or it doesn't."

"Using our business for extra income either works for you, or it doesn't."

"Paying less for your utilities either works for you, or it doesn't."

“Having an extra paycheck every month either works for you, or it doesn’t.”



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