
Marketing tips for real SFI workers

Hello Entrepreneurs,

It is another Sunday – it is raining and cold outside. I could not go out for jogging, as usual. So, I concentrated on my business. I tell my people to make the best out of every days life. This is what comes out of my brain:

We need prospects – therefore we have to fish people.

With our Network knowledge, we can choose to use the internet, emails, Traffic Exchanges, Viral Marketing, Social Networks and the similar. You can name this ‘cold Marketing’ because with each campaign you address efficiently several millions of people. For good results, your online marketing campaign requires some proper preparation.

You need your homepage with a unique domain and an engaging content. Also, a blog page on WordPress would help. I recommend learning the essentials from Ecommergy. There are tons of tips available.

In TripleClicks you can use the SFI Toolbox. Let us have an example. Let us market the 125 Tcredit packages. First look it up here: https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=212474#

Click on SFI Toolbox, and you see a good explanation of the item. You see the VersaPoints, the Commission Volume, the Direct Commission and the Executive Pool.
To the left, you have three choices:

1st create a Banner
2nd Add to Collection
3rd View Printable Flyer

Try and find out what is the best suiting you. When creating a banner, you can copy the HTML and paste it on your homepage or integrate it into your blog. Then advertise your blog on Social Media, Ezines, Free Classifieds, Paid ads, Solo Ads, and more.

When you add the item to a Collection, you need to create a new collection (with a unique name and a description.). Then you can use other items into this collection, and you can share this whole collection with only one URL on Social Networks, Free Classifieds, Pais Ads, Solo Ads, and so far.

Look here: http://gotclicks2.com/cefMruzKP.

Watch the results by checking the Hit Tracking application (https://www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/HitTracking )

How we notice an opportunity?

Want to waste another year? Or make it the best year of your life?
You can participate in the MasterClass from home in your pyjamas.

If you never had goals that worked for you, experience the feeling now. Make every morning of 2020 exciting.

Learn more in my magazine. Click here for details: https://www.fwfritz.net/magazine/.

If there’s anything I can help you with, don’t hesitate to ask.  Are you curious, just click and become a Powerliner

Join my SFI Powerline!

All to your success

Best wishes
Friedrich Fritz




Published by chilichote

I am Network Marketing Affiliate and I am building something great. I share my ideas with the audience

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