
Underpaid employees need sales

Hello Entrepreneurs,

Welcome to March, the month for wakening up nature and plants and trees begin to blossom.
It is a new start and it is fascinating to all of us – it makes us sure, that life won’t end in Winter.

Please, take a breath and start your business now.

Focus on selling

It is important for everybody that you read and understand the new SVP Requirements Coming March 1st. Just read it in full length here: https://www.sfimg.com/forum/thread?id=170156&pg=1

As you know – VersaPoints can be earned through sales and various actions. Now, we are required to concentrate on the new SVP (Sales VersaPoints) requirements. We must put our focus back on generating sales and revenue!

There is a big advantage: According to the new requirements, the total VersaPoints requirements for Team Leaders have been reduced. Please, review the full article in our Forum and discuss it with us there.

Generate Sales through advertising

We have many Marketing Aids and Marketing Methods in our Marketing Center. Please, make use of them and advertise online 365 days per year. Choose Free Traffic Exchangers, EZ Mailing lists.
Free Google Adsense or WordPress. Write your blog and link your blog with social media.

Please, use not only those ads for recruiting people, but use also the ads for Eager Zebra games, Astro Auctions, Ecommergy, Localvantia, Rewardicals.

Offer your opportunity

It is your business and you are the one who is offering sales, opportunities to others. It is hard work and it has different risks. Many people who work earn wages which are never enough for a nice life. Life is too limited for them. Now, you are the one, who will help them to make an imminent change.

If there’s anything I can help you with, don’t hesitate to ask.

All to your success

Best wishes
Friedrich Fritz

Published by chilichote

I am Network Marketing Affiliate and I am building something great. I share my ideas with the audience

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