
We make decisions

Dear Entrepreneurs,

Welcome to another newsletter. I would suggest you will read it until the end. Stay relaxed all the time and work from your comfort zone.

As we are all entrepreneurs, we are bound to the decisions we make.

It is so important

We are working to have an improvement in our lives and we work to meet our goals.
We can decide to complete all the tasks: daily, weekly and monthly tasks.

We decide to promote business online. Online is the best option these days.
So we must decide, where we advertise and what price we were ready to pay.

The internet is full of advertising platforms and so-called Free Traffic Exchanges. We choose a few and post our Gateways or we use advertising aids from the Marketing Center. When advertising is free, we should be able to visit ads from others. Doing this will give us points that we can collect and then we can place our ads.

Checking the results

Below tools, you can find https://www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/HitTracking. Here you can easily see which ads bring hits. Hits mean: people come and look, they do not need necessarily join. But in some cases, people join under you. You will get a PSA notification. You see your success now. Sent a nice welcome letter to the new PSA and help this person to start his own business.

Don’t delay to maximize your rank

Scoring VersaPoints every day is my best tip. There are many occasions, where you can score VersaPoints. Play Eager Zebra games, participate in Astro Auctions, and many more.
Purchasing some Tcredits would also bring VersaPoints to you. Collect Rewardicals and once you have enough, you can exchange Rewardicals for VersaPoints.

Please, never forget to visit the Forum every day, so you won’t miss any news.

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I wish you much success in your life.

Best regards
Friedrich Fritz
I am a proud member of the SFI Marketing group

Published by chilichote

I am Network Marketing Affiliate and I am building something great. I share my ideas with the audience

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