
Share-Tech has better ways for you

Every Affiliate start as node

When you join SFI you will automatically placed in the SHARE-TECH Network in the next available position under the person who referred you.

The person who referred you will be your sponsor.

Now, you begin your career with this network.
Bring new people to SHARE-TECH and they will be placed under you because you are their sponsor now.


Now you are starting your very own node
Every person you refer goes into your first level.  Note that all affiliates can have no more than 5 persons on their first level.

The next persons you refer go into the next level ..and so on and on.
Just tell them to do the same, as you do.

Help others to build something great!

Only active persons can maximize their income. Inactive Affiliates will be removed by the administration once per month.

People move up from lower levels to fill the vacated spot(s).

That is all for you to know.
Now, you can join or play Grand Master Poker


I wish you all a nice week

What my upline leaders really thought of me?

When I started, I was clueless. But hey, I was motivated.

I started in January 2013.
It was winter, my mum was very sick and close to death. 
I was so clueless. But I was highly motivated.

So, I am sure my upline leaders said this to each other:

“He is 100% untrained, but let’s see how he does? Oooooh, that has got to be painful. Ouch! This is stressful to watch! What a horror film in action!”

The conclusion:
Doing dumb stuff with enthusiasm isn’t the key to success. I proved that to all the observers.


Planning and goals are the easy way to procrastinate. We assign stuff to “future me” so that we can relax now.

They said that I should have goals at first.

Then try to catch these goals. Work hard and do this every day.

It is like an obsession and this is very common.

I have noticed it from others who made a nice bargain before.

 Feel free to become a member of my team.

Wird die Zukunft gut sein?

Worauf freust du dich im Hinblick auf die Zukunft am meisten?

In der Gegenwart gibt es nur Hiobsbotschaften: das Klima wird schlecht und wir haben nur noch wenig Trinkwasser zur Verfügung. Ganz davon abgesehen werden nicht alle Menschen ausreichend mit Vitalstoffen wie Mineralien, Vitaminen und Spurenelementen versorgt werden können.

Das Wohnen wird teurer und im Winter reicht die alte Heizung nicht aus.

Es sind die Sorgen die weit reichen. Unsere Gesundheit wird darunter leiden. Schwere Krankheiten und Pandemien belasten die gesamte Menschheit sehr.

Soziale Konflikte sorgen für zusätzliche Spannungen, was letztendlich zu Kriegen führen kann und die dabei verwendeten Waffen werden immer effizienter.

Wenn wir zurück zum Glauben finden, dann kann die Zukunft schon besser werden.

Machen wir uns die Mühe.

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