
Vogelfutterhäuschen reparieren



ich suche jemand, der Vogelfutterhäuschen pro bono reparieren kann. Die müsste vor Ort und vor dem 1. Schneefall geschehen.
Eine Tasse Café Crema und ein Stück Kuchen sind drin. Ein ähnlicher Beitrag existiert auf Facebook und auf Nebenan.de

Bitte nur ernstgemeinte Zuschriften.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Friedrich-W. Fritz


Create rapport with a prospect

Hello Entrepreneurs,
as I hope that you are all okay, I would give some tips for your well-being. It is Sunday, August 21st, 2022.
We still have sweltering summer.  We spare most of the time outside at the beach or we need a shelter for recreation.
Welcome to another newsletter from my private Desktop. Communication is important, so, please communicate with your Team from time to time.

Affiliates are creators

Instead of saying ‚would you be interested in creating a business, which puts money in your pocket? ‘

you can say: ‚Would it be okay if I tell you how simple it is to build a team? ‘.

Most people are curious, therefore they sign-up and become your Affiliate, but they are not interested in the creation of a business. For them, the internet is full of milk and honey, and they want instant cash-out.

People need instant magic. I could not believe the difference. It needs some research.

The magic key-phrases:

The magic is that prospects ’brains can be programmed.

Ask the following:

‚Would it be okay if we talked after the everyday work? ‘

‚Would it be okay if we had an extra paycheck`‘

‚Would it be okay if we had a better plan? ‘


In all cases our prospect would answer each question with ‚yes ‘. We need yes-sayers.

We all need a comfortable surrounding – online Marketing is extremely comfortable.

When prospects work online – they can profit from the following:

‚Most people…want longer Weekend. ‘

‚Everyone knows…that jobs don’t pay enough. ‘

‚Everyone says. We..we need more money to for inflation. ‘

‚Everyone knows that our wages don’t pay much for our retirement. ‘

Only networkers with imagination should enroll in SFI. They need inventiveness, they need optimism. They always think positiv. When something turns out to be less profitable, they make changes.

Our work is free – nobody has any obligation, but successful people have a commitment for themselves, and they work without fears.

I wish you an exciting week.

Best regards
Friedrich Fritz

Being your Boss

Hello Entrepreneurs,

welcome again to another newsletter from my private desktop. We have the best weather outside. Many spent the time on the beach or in the mountains.

It’s been a long time ago.


The nightmare


You know, jobs take up so much of our time. You need to stand up early to catch the bus, the train or take your car only to stay in the office on time.


When you work in a Network Marketing business, you do have not these circumstances. You can stay a little bit longer in bed and have a healthy good breakfast.


High inflation rate


Following the recent marketing reports the economy is collapsing, interest rates are higher, and everything for life, food, fuels and vacation is getting more expensive.


We tighten our belts – we eat, and drink less. We have cancelled our vacation tour. Everything not needful has to be given up.


The big picture


Turn your marketing skills into real money, buy selling items or services from the Zing Network, this includes Eager-Zebra games, TripleClicks, Rewardicals, and Localvantia. Before you do this, study and learn about our compensation plan. You also need realistic goals and a plan.


All of this can be learned and studied from the LaunchPad and through discussions in our Forum.




I wish you an exciting week.


You can leave your comments here.


Best regards

Friedrich Fritz

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