
We are not pushing

My cat just texted me. Gotta run.”

You won’t believe what your cat tells you, will you?

The same is with a salesman who works with an agenda.
Prospects will say almost anything to get away from him. 

We don’t want to be that salesperson. Never.
Pushing for a sales presentation is not the right thing:
This is why we are offering options! It makes our propects feel in control:

 They are in charge of their choices.

How do we start the conversation so that prospects feel that we are offering an option?

Here are three examples:

  • “This is a great fit for many, and not a fit for some.” 
  •  “This may or may not work for you.”
  • “This business was perfect for me, but I don’t know if it would be for you.”

Do you see the difference?
 Prospecting is more fun when prospects want to hear what we have to say.

Three great prospecting questions

 1st  “Do you think a part-time job would be better for you instead of a part-time business?”

(Most prospects will immediately attach themselves to wanting a part-time business.
Hey, working a part-time job until age 67 doesn't sound like much fun.)

2nd  “Starting our own business would cost a lot of money … and is pretty risky, isn't it?”
(Most prospects will agree and say that is why they haven't tried a business.
Now they are open-minded toward a business if it didn’t require a lot of money and is not risky.)

3rd “Would a $500 a month raise make a big difference?”

(Gee, that's $6,000 a year, which would pay for
a nice vacation,
a better car,
an occasional weekend getaway,
or the minimum payment on the credit card.
This question is rejection-free. Even if our prospect says, "No" -
that might mean our prospect is looking for even more money.
And we know our prospect can't get this kind of raise from his or her boss.)

Saying better words can literally create new prospects on-demand.

Es geht um Alles

Deutschland braucht Mut zur Veränderung. Denn es geht um alles: Wirtschaft, Demokratie, Migration, Wohlstand, Freiheit, Deutschland.
Es kommt auf jede und jeden Einzelnen an. Jetzt Partei ergreifen und Mitglied werden: mitgliedwerden.fdp.de 

Running to feel better

Prospects won’t join if they can’t see themselves successfully talking to others.   This is my story   I love running because it makes sense, and my body feels better. This is something I wouldn’t give up. Some weeks ago,  I suffered a torn muscle fibre. I had to consult a doctor, who directed me to stop sports for 4 weeks. What a misery! I would like to know if I can do running again and where I should start. Running was indeed very painful. After 5 minutes, the pain went horrible.
I started with 5-minute runs and tried to run slower. The movement alone was the deciding factor. After a few days, 5 minutes became 6 minutes. I continued because, at the end of every run, I felt a sense of victory. My body wanted to run, and so did my mind. Both have to be in sync, which is pure harmony. A doctor specialising in running and a well-known author once said that one should never give up working towards one’s goals. After all, one goal is to improve your health and stay fit throughout life.
This can only be good for some aspects of life and business. It is frustrating when you do all the promotions and presentations and await results.   It is all about competition. We do not compete against others. We compete with past versions of ourselves.  Want to feel better about crushing our past? We have to improve ourselves a little bit every day. Add five minutes of personal development daily, which will accumulate over time. The power comes from our brains. 

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